8:49 pm on 02-02-05
still nothing too exciting going on

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February? Where did January go? Time flies that�s for sure.

I heard someone in class say �I�m uber pissed�. No one I know, except me, ever says stuff like, �uber pissed�. It made me laugh.

Classes have been super busy. Lots of work, but it�s good, and sometimes fun work. Although on Saturday I busted my ass to get two classes of work done. And I worked on one thing for five hours when it should have taken me one. Well it took me one hour only after the damn lightbulb went off. I hate when that happens.

Another date was to be tonight with my new friend. He is definitely cool and super nice. I�m waiting to see where this is going, but I am not rushing into anything. He had cancelled at the last minute though because of something going on at work. We are now going out this weekend. That�s fine though because I got out of work about an hour late today and I am exhausted. I should be sleeping shortly.

Other than that, nothing else is going on. I�ve avoided all sorts of baby talk. I�ve realized that I truly care for my lunch crew as a good group of friends. I have a final episode of the bachelorette party to plan for. We are dorks, I know.

I avoided the presidents state of the union address tonight. Not in the mood to hear about crap, although almost of his ideas and proposals have gone through since he became president. Or at least that�s what tom brokaw said tonight.