12:52 pm on 02-06-05
typical sunday entry

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I always feel good when I wake up early on the weekends and become ultra productive. Today was one of those days. I was up at 7am, went to work out, came home, had some breakfast and busted out all of my assignments that are due tomorrow. Yesterday I was a lazy ass. I slept until 1pm and I wasn�t even out that late on Friday. Obviously I was tired.

Thursday I ditched class at break. And then went to Ch!potle. I got a free dinner. Score. The manager was really nice and said that he sees me in there every week with my lunch crew. Nice guy.

Work has been extremely hectic and the nice part is that this week my boss is on vacation. Not that it matters if she is there or not, but I know I�ll get a lot of stuff done this week.

The date on Friday was a great time. We went for a drink, a movie, and some dinner. During the movie I got the hint that he likes me. I am interested in seeing where this is going. There�s something about him that makes me want to call him and talk to him, but I don�t want to come off as desperate or anything like that. I guess it�s playing the game. I think I am the one that is going to have the make the moves so to say though. You know you�ll be updated. And he is such a gentleman. Ah melts my heart with his actions. I�m surprised he didn�t whip his coat off and cover the puddles for me to walk over : )

Last night I hung out with the married crew and the new baby. My friends must have been in a funk the last couple of weeks and last night all they wanted to talk about was my new friend. Weird considering all we talk about is babies and getting pregnant. I had a nice time just chilling. I am beginning to get sick of the whole bar thing. It just doesn�t seem worth it to me anymore�.Paris Hilton is the worst actress too. On SNL last night you could totally tell that she was just reading from the cue cards�I actually thought she would have been pretty good. And what is with the lead singer from Keane? His face looks like a cartoon character face, but he has a nice voice. I guess that�s all that matters.